Friday, August 15, 2014

august 15

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Little Know It All" by Iggy Pop and "Words (Between the Lines of Age)" by Neil Young]

Consider the following image (courtesy of the fine folks at BoingBoing). What issues, problems, or challenges in your life once seemed HUGE but got smaller as you gained a larger, more mature, better-informed perspective on things?  Does this matter in your life?  How?  Does the diction detract from the message or strengthen its impact? [UPDATE: Watching students, re-reading this, and thinking the topic needs more seasoning: a) How does gaining a greater perspective motivate you to make the world a better place; and b) When is it appropriate to use words that are not appropriate for every social context but nevertheless have the desired emotionally charged and/or cathartic effect?

1. Journal/turn in
2. Socratic seminar: "The Right to Your Opinion"
3. "This Life Is Your Life"

1. Post the MONTAIGNE/AUSTEN ESSAY to your course blog by Monday, August 18
2. Read the Personal Statement Worksheet and complete the Senior Resume Worksheet by Monday, August 18
3. Take the 1987 AP Exam and write yourself notes about which questions you found easy, which questions you found challenging, and which questions will haunt your dreams until you pass the exam.  Exam answers and notes also due Monday, 8.18 (answers can either be on your course blog or hard copy, notes should be on your blog, title 1987 AP Exam).  Full disclosure: I think this is the exam I took.  And I think I got a 3.


  1. $10 AP Exams in 1987! If only it applied today.

  2. Are we also doing the free response for the exam? And if so question number three is not in the document
